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    EHEDG 2014
    Seiten /pages: 133

    1 Introduction
    2 Objectives and scope
    3 Normative References.
    4 Definitions / Glossary
    5 Site
    5.1 Site location
    5.2 Site plan
    5.3 Site
    5.4 Boundary fences and walls
    5.5 Controlled site access
    6 Hygienic Building Design
    6.1 Buildings 25
    6.2 Adequate Space for Cleaning, Inspection and Pest Control
    7 Internal Divisions
    7.1 Segregation
    7.1.1 Zoning hazard analysis
    7.1.2 Hygienic design criteria for zones
    7.1.3 Zone barriers
    7.2 Storage areas.
    7.3 Personnel areas
    7.4 Cleaning facilities, equipment and chemicals
    7.5 Food washing facilities
    8 Building Fabric
    8.1 Foundations
    8.2 Pile Foundations
    8.3 Superstructures
    8.4 Secondary Steel
    8.5 Roofs
    8.6 Floors
    8.7 Drains
    8.8 Coving, kerbs, posts and barriers
    8.9 Walls
    8.10 Transport docks
    8.11 Doors
    8.12 Transportation and/or personnel air-locks
    8.13 Windows
    8.14 Ceilings
    8.15 Insulation and noise reduction
    8.16 Stairs, walkways and platforms
    8.17 Elevators
    8.18 Food contact surfaces
    9 Services
    9.1 General services
    9.2 Electrical installations
    9.3 Ventilation and temperature control
    9.4 Process and transport air
    9.5 Lighting
    9.6 Water
    9.7 Food and solid waste
    10 References used within the text
    11 Hygienic Building Design Checklist

    To ensure safe food and adequate sanitation programs, BOTH THE EQUIPMENT AND THE FACTORY used for processing and handling food products must be designed, fabricated, constructed, and installed according to sound hygienic design principles.
    Hygienic food factory design provides:
    — defence against external factory hazards
    — defence against internal factory hazards - no harbourage sites and ease of cleaning
    — internal flows of people, product, packaging, air and wastes to prevent cross-contamination
    — security against deliberate contamination
    — the maintenance of hygienic conditions via structure rigidity - appropriate foundations, steelwork, floor slabs
    — the maintenance of hygienic conditions via material durability
    — compliance with customer/GFSI best practice
    This will ensure the equipment and factory can be effectively operated, does not harbour hazards, does not rapidly deteriorate and can be appropriately cleaned and disinfected.
    Hygienic design is thus important in all areas of the factory:
    — in its buildings and their surrounds.
    — for construction of specific elements of the building.
    — in factory and industrial services.
    — for equipment, its layout and installation.
    — for ensuring cleanability of the building and equipment.
    — to facilitate all maintenance activities.
    With reference to Europe, the requirements for the hygienic design of food premises are contained in Regulation (EC) No. 852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs. Specifically, Annex II, Chapter I General requirements for food premises, Chapter II Specific requirements in rooms where foodstuffs are prepared, treated or processed, Chapter V Equipment requirements, Chapter VI Food waste, Chapter VII Water supply and Chapter IX Provisions applicable to foodstuffs. The requirements in this standard are generic and adherence to the advice in this guidance document should meet these requirements. Additional, generic information is given in Regulation (EC) No. 853/2004 laying down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin on the layout of slaughterhouses and cutting rooms and the requirements for production establishments for minced meat, meat preparations, mechanically separated meat, bivalve molluscs, fishery products, milk production, egg and egg products, frogs’ legs and snails, rendered animal fats and greaves, gelatine and collagen. Essentially, factories must meet all national building standards for food handling establishments,
    This document builds upon the minimum hygienic design requirements for the construction of food manufacturing sites as referenced from national food legislation, international and national general food hygiene guidance, international audit bodies approved by GFSI and food industry best practices.
    The publication of an earlier EHEDG guidance document, Guideline 26 Hygienic engineering of plants for the processing of dry particulate materials (2003) is noted. The essential building design elements from this publication have been incorporated into this guideline, with the intention that, with the publication of this guideline, Guideline 26 will be withdrawn.
    All publically available documents from which this guidance was distilled were current at the time of writing, are referenced at the end of the text and if they are freely available, a link is given to the appropriate website. Readers are encouraged to ensure that when referencing these texts, they are using the most up-to-date version of the documents available. There may be other requirements in primarily non-English first language countries, therefore, in which EU, US and CODEX legislation and guidance are not fully implemented or where the country’s own legislation necessitates additional hygiene requirements.

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