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Doc. 36. Hygienic engineering of transfer systems for dry particulate materials | EN-Englisch
inkl. 7% MwSt.
100,00 EUR exkl. MwSt
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Seiten / pages: 21
Transfer (also known as transport or conveying) of dry particulate materials (products) between or within plant components in a process line is well practiced in the food industry. The transfer operation must be carried out in a hygienic and safe manner and the physical powder properties must not be affected during this operation. In this document, hygienic transfer systems for transport of bulk materials within a food processing plant are described. This document also covers situations where transfer systems are used as a dosing procedure. In principle, the less the need for product transfer within a food processing plant, the easier it is to make a factory hygienically safe. Furthermore, with a minimum of product transfer between equipment, there are the added advantages of a more compact plant, lower energy consumption and reduced cleaning time. Less product handling results in less adverse effects on product properties. This guidelines is intended for use by persons involved in the design, technical specification, installation and use of transfer systems for dry bulk particulate materials operating under hygienic conditions.
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